These Clients’ primary residence was probably one of THE BEST homes in Vero Beach (Windsor), so I knew they had high expectations for their mountain home. They had definite goals in mind, the first being to take advantage of their property at Balsam Mountain Preserve. The development itself had very specific requirements to assure Owners that the homes would fit the property and not look like a subdivision in Atlanta or Houston.
Although almost all of the home would work well on a crawl space (no basement was wanted), I realized they had one corner of the home that would be above grade 10’ with potential windows and walkout doors possible (NOT like a basement). I suggested a wine cellar with a secret 5’ diameter spiral stair hidden in a corner cabinet in his office. Later on, she told me that, although they didn’t originally request a wine cellar, it is a feature that they love to surprise their friends with: an example of giving a client more than they hope for.