My focus is on designing custom homes and enlightened remodels that make sense for your property and make it your own. In designing Clients' homes I take into account all of their needs and site specifications to synthesizing a perfect solution. I start the design of my homes with a Client’s input and then shape it to make it fit the property and take full advantage of what the Land has to offer. The most successful designs are those that combine this data and makes a Client’s dream into a reality. My designs are as varied as my client's needs and wants.
1. I work on my own. Twenty years ago I had several Architects working for me but I found that, when designing custom homes, it is essential that a one on one relationship exists with my clients so that none of the Data is lost or misunderstood in the translation to someone “in the back room”. Building a home is an expensive proposition. Don’t let an Architectural firm design it unless you are guaranteed to get the Principal’s primary, undivided attention. Your home is worth it.
2. I only design fine homes. I don’t aspire to take on commercial projects like most Architects. When they do, the residential ones take a back seat to the more lucrative and visible commercial projects. I find the personal experience of making a Client’s dreams into a reality much more enjoyable.
3. I don’t take on more work than I can handle. Although I may design three or four homes a year, my Clients always feel that they have my primary attention.